Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Bad monkey

So the gorilla that was put down in the Cincinnati zoo has gotten a lot of media attention. Some people are angry at the zoo for killing the ape.


Some people are mad at the mother because she wasn't paying close enough attention to her child.


Since the story broke, it has been on talk radio, the TV news, and of course social media almost stop. Each side has been making impassioned emotional arguments.

My two cents: First, I don't know anything about typical gorilla behavior. However, in the released videos, the ape does seem be protecting the child. Human children are not as physically resilient as baby gorillas so dragging the child around by the arms and legs may be perfectly normal. The screams from the people outside of the cage seemed to trigger the ape's protective behavior.

Second, as a parent I understand that if you blink your eyes your kid will get into something you never expected them to do. It is possible the mother was paying attention but got distracted long enough for that baby to climb into the enclosure. There are reports that the child had stated that he wanted to get into the cage. Instead of dismissing his desires, momma should have made sure she had a close eye on him while they were in that part of the zoo.

Third, I wasn't there when the team made the shot. They had to make a split second decision to either end the gorilla's life to save the life of a human or choose another way of rescuing the child. Unless proven otherwise, they made the best decision they could have based on the circumstances and the available information.

Can we go back to hoping the FBI arrests Hillary Clinton please?

Follow up: I found this by accident. https://www.facebook.com/amanda.odonoughue/posts/1203379586363094 

I don't have the time to fact check this post so take it with a grain of salt.

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